The Oxford Aunts Employee / Care Worker Awards 2022

Each year our employee and care worker awards take place to recognise and celebrate our teams across the business. It is a fantastic opportunity for anyone to nominate the people they feel are outstanding in their role and who demonstrate the company’s values. This year there were a variety of award categories in order to recognise teams as well as individuals and to celebrate the full range of skills within the business. 

It is with great pleasure that we can now announce the winners of The Oxford Aunts Employee / Care Worker Awards 2022:

Employee / Care Worker of the Year – Cat Uries 

Manager of the Year – Charlotte Thompson 

Team of the Year – Oxford Aunts Team 

Nurturing Talent – Su Hickman

Rising Star – Marianna Mosilu

Spirit of Inclusion – Elainne Bennett 

Excellence in Health & Safety – The Training Team 

We want to say a huge congratulations to all our winners! 

If you are interested in becoming a Carer for a provider that recognises your hard work you can apply here.


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