Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, we know that families up and down the country are extremely worried about putting a long-term care arrangement in place for a family member or a loved one.  The tragedy that care homes faced earlier this year as a result of the pandemic and a slow response by the UK Government to support the sector, has impacted confidence in families choosing a care home.

A survey conducted by Independent Public Policy Research (IPPR), with the charity Independent Age  found that 31% of people surveyed did not want to put their relative into a care home.  This increased by another 40% for people over 65, who were asked if they would seek care in a home for themselves.

Live-in care provides a safe way for a person to receive care during the pandemic, as your home environment is a controlled environment with significantly less risk of transmission than a care home setting.  In care homes there are several contact points which increase the risk of infection and transmission.  Hourly care provided by a domiciliary care agency in your own home also has an increased risk given the carer will be visiting several other clients during the day.  With live-in care you can have peace of mind that risks are controlled and reduced – and all while your loved one continues to live-in the comfort and familiarity of their beloved home.

Our experienced and dedicated carers have received all the information and guidance needed to continue to care for our clients during the pandemic.  They have been given everything they need to monitor, manage and control risks so the live-in care provided is to the very highest standards of quality and compliance.

Reasons to choose live-in care during
the Coronavirus pandemic

Care focused on you,
as and when you need it

One-to-one care just cannot be provided in any care home setting. One carer will typically be looking after several residents, with very different needs so cannot solely focus on you. During the Coronavirus pandemic one-to-one care means that your health can be monitored closely and any concern responded to efficiently and effectively.

Complex care is better delivered at home

Specialist care of conditions provided by highly trained carers delivered in the comfort of and familiar surroundings of your own home, with established routines is paramount in helping those living with conditions, like dementia.  During the Coronavirus pandemic many care homes will have to self-isolate residents to reduce risks and manage outbreaks.   For those living with dementia restricting movement can have a very negative impact on a person’s well-being.

Managing and controlling infection risk

With care being provided in your own home risks of infection are less than in a care home.  With one dedicated carer living with you for a longer period than some other live-in care providers you can have peace of mind that infection risks are reduced further.

A personal approach

Oxford Aunts carers do not need to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  This means that the softer connections between a client and carer are not disrupted.   As your carer will be living with you for the longer term, anything from two weeks to several months, there is usually no need to use face coverings or PPE to manage risks.

Much-needed companionship

For clients living with increasing levels of anxiety due to the uncertainty presented by Coronavirus, a dedicated carer who provides one-to-one social, emotional and companionship support really can make all the difference to self-esteem and well-being.

There is nowhere quite like home

Moving at any time in life can bring upheaval and cause upset.  Leaving a beloved home in a time of exacerbated uncertainty can be incredibly un-nerving and unsettling. There are countless benefits to staying in your own home, not least the reassurance that you are secure and safe with your health and well-being protected.


Call our friendly and approachable team today to see how we can help you and your family.


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