How to Use a Dosette Box

If you or a loved one are having difficulties remembering to take your medication, a dosette box offers a practical and easy-to-use solution to medication management.

Forgetting to take your medications or taking them incorrectly can have serious consequences for your health, especially for the older generation.

In this short guide, we offer practical advice and guidance on how dosette boxes work and how you can use one to effectively manage medications.

What is a dosette box?

Medication management has grown increasingly complex over the years. Age UK estimates that around 1 in 5 adults in the UK are living with two or more complex conditions and that over half of people 75 years or older are taking five or more medications daily.

Many people who are on several medications find it difficult to always get the right tablets at the right times. Dosette boxes solve this problem by allowing for better organisation and administration of medication.

A dosette box is a plastic tray or large blister pack that can help both individuals and their carers organise medications and remind them on which day and time they must be taken. They also provide an alternative to anyone that has difficulty opening child-proof medication bottles.

Dosette boxes have multiple compartments labelled with the day and time. Each day of the week may be split into separate compartments such as morning, lunch, afternoon and evening. Some models also come with extra features like alarm reminders or detachable units.

If you take your medication directly from the pack or bottle, it’s easy to forget if you have already taken your dose for the day. A dosette box acts as a reminder by giving you visual confirmation of whether you have taken your medication or not.

Wwhat is the best way to use a dosette box?

The best way to use a dosette box effectively is to integrate it into your daily routine. By associating taking your medications with a fixed point in your day, you are more likely to remember to take them. For instance, you might decide to take your morning medication before brushing your teeth or with your morning coffee.

Choose a prominent location in your home to keep your dosette box such as your kitchen or bedside table. It may also be helpful to keep your dosette box with other important items such as your phone or glasses.

What medication can go in a dosette box?

It is important to remember that not all medications are suitable for a dosette box.

Some medications cannot be taken out of their original packaging such as certain soluble tablets or medication that needs to be kept at a certain temperature. Transferring these medications to a dosette box could damage them or cause them to not work properly.

Any prescription that needs to be taken on an ‘as-needed’ basis such as medication for migraines, nausea, or insomnia, cannot be effectively managed by a dosette box.

Where to buy a dosette box

If you or the person you care for has a complicated medicine regime with different pills taken at different times of the day, a pharmacist may decide to provide them in dosette boxes. Ask your pharmacist for more information about dosette boxes if you think they could be helpful.

The major benefit of purchasing from your local pharmacy is that many will prepare and deliver your weekly medication in a dosette box free of charge. Alternatively, dosette boxes can also be purchased on the internet.

How carers use dosette boxes

If you or a loved one are finding it difficult to remember to take your medications correctly or at the appropriate times, our professional live-in care service can help.

Oxford Aunts has provided expert live-in care services throughout Oxfordshire and its surrounding counties for over 50 years. Our high-quality live-in care is focused on improving health, well-being and quality of life.

Our carers are trained in the management of medications, which is so important in supporting someone to live well in later life. They will proactively monitor and administer medications, ensuring they are effectively managed. They will also ensure that any prescription required is ordered and collected ready as and when you need it.

An Oxford Aunts’ experienced and dedicated carer can also provide a range of other services in the comfort of your home including sensitive personal care, meal planning and preparation, domestic and household tasks and pet care.

Call our friendly and approachable team today to see how we can help you and your family.

Get in touch with us about your care needs

At the heart of our personal care is enabling people to live well in their own homes with the care and support they need from a carefully well-matched, trained and dedicated carer. With an Oxford Aunts personal care assistant you can be reassured that you are receiving high-quality care that is based on mutual respect and dignity.

Our expert care advisors are here to help you understand the options available to you.


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